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Make a wish: Endless Summer

17 Sep

I do not know how’s the weather in your part of the world, but here the summer is over. Mid-September is already less sunny and less lighter than the previous four months and I do not even want to consider November and its rain.

Maybe many of you like the rain or the leaves carpets around the city, the yellows and browns, the rubber boots or the umbrellas. Well, all these might me nice, but I am not much into shorter days, waking up before the sunrise to go to work. The absence of light just takes some of my energy and I migh end up with just going earlier in bed. This is just not my type and I shall make an autumn list for an endless summer.

Though it just happens that the trenchcoat is among my favorite clothing items, I will start with this purple dress from London Fashion Hub that I would wear with a cardigan or leather jacket and a pair of flats. The backdrop could be only turned into one with chrysanthemum and here we are, in a summerish autumn.



What about you? Is the goast of autumn following you as well? Any thoughts on how to work on it?



Summer list

11 Aug

I love summer. Not only I do not mind high temperatures, but summer is the best time of the year to go out more, travel, dance, see your friends more often. Summer gives me energy to do more things that I enjoy and I now the few weeks left of it should be taken advantage to the max.

As I am a “to do/see lists” kind of person, I have made a summer list. At the end of the season I will check on it and see where there is still space for improvement… for the next summer, of course.

  • sparkling wine
  • fabulous tan
  • lemonade with basil and cucumber
  • jogging
  • summer concerts
  • gelato all the way
  • picknicks
  • 3 fruits and 3 veggies a day (and less junk food, carbs and industrial sugars)
  • outdoor movies
  • pictures taken by myself



What about your summer? What would you add to the list?



P.S. Don’t forget to follow me on Facebook for illustrations of how I am doing with regards to this list

Most Wanted: Straw Hat

9 Jul


I am back! I know it’s been a while, but I promise I will catch up with my latest activities and interests.

I am therefore starting with a “most wanted” posts – the items on my with list. The first one, thematic, is the straw hat. I make no exception when it comes to sitting in the sun all day long whenever I am on the seaside, therefore a straw hat might prove not only chic, but also useful in protecting me from the sun.

The wide ones, in light colors are my favorites, but I didn’t find one to suit me yet. With my curly-frizzy hat, it is not that easy. Here are some pieces from Asos and Parfois.

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Well, if I can’t decide, may I get them all?


What about you? Did you get one for this summer? I bet matched well a dark tan.

Have a lovely week and great holidays!



P.S. Don’t forget to follow me on Facebook

Month to share

27 May

I should tell you first that I am not a lazy person who keeps on foregetting to write on the blog, neither one that lacks inspiration. There are plenty of things I could share with you such as my trip to Brussels, the Romanian Design Week or the Cannes outfits. The only thing is that I have taken a study leave from posting and this is gonna last for the next three weeks. Hopefully I will keep on sharing some things on Facebook.

As it’s been more than a month since I have shared my life of small things with you, here it is the last one: tones of chocolate in Brussels (yes, yes, the world capital of chocolate, I will tell you more about it), new swimming suit and flip flops for the sea side (been there once, got my spring tan), celebrating Europe’s day with fireworks and the marathon accomplishment (I’ve told you about last Monday). There were some other concerts and events I’ve attended, other simple and enjoyable things I did, but I will be back to my papers for now and tell you about them on other ocassions. 

I wish you a great week and month, full of little pleasures!





Monday Quote

20 May

New years, new seasons and Mondays are for us to start or start over different activities. In my case, this spring was about transforming the sedentary I inside into an active person that is regularly taking exercise.

First, this is good for my health (and yours!). Second, contrary to the expectations of an ignorant like me, it gives so much energy. I have chosen to work out at the gym once a week and to jog a few times a week in the park, but there are plenty of other things like swimming (oh, this sounds so good! to bad I am not able to do it), playing tennis, football or basketball. The idea is to set yourself a goal and work for achieving it or find something that motivates you. Untill you’ll get used to the effort, it will make it so much easier to bear it. Maybe you are going to the seaside on holidays and you want to look you have a Ryan Gosling at the finish line, it’s your choice. Mine was to run in a marathon (well not a real one, a fun one but still…), I’ve made it and now I am considering finding another goal that would keep me going. 

Do you have any ideas? What’s your motivation behind taking exercise? I might get some inspiration.



…and don’t forget to follow me on Facebook!Image

My Style: Boyfriend jeans for a casual look

16 May

Since I got this pair of ripped boyfriend jeans my days are more casual. The light color makes them perfect for spring days, they are easy to match and confortable to wear. For a day at school I have been wearing them with an equally boyish light blue shirt, a pair of silver flats and basic accessories (though it was one of these days when my watch -boyfriend style, as well- was at home instead of being on my wrist).

One thing would be important to tell you. I am not much of a jeans individual. I always see nice pieces worn by others but I find it difficult to find the right piece for myself. Well, this is one of the two pairs I own for the moment.

Does it makes it easier for you to find the right jeans?




Wearing: Zara boyfriend jeans, shirt and flats, Accessories bracelets

P.S. Don’t forget to follow me on Facebook!

Monday Quote

15 Apr



via Pinterest

Chose to be happy! There are so many little things around us that could bring smiles and joy: cherry blossom, sun beams, spring flowers and spring shoes to put on, time to change the clothes in your wardrobe for something lighter-they will all seem new!

Have a lovely week!



Month to share

9 Apr

It has been a full yet not out of ordinary month. The spring was supposed to be here, it is March already, but flowers were one of the few sings. The sun and warmth are yet to come.

There are many film festivals in Bucharest those days and I am happy to attend some of them: cool, not that famous movies to watch. And they go well with coffee.

On my list with little nice things to enjoy I will definitely add chandeliers. I simply love them and I was lucky to be in a building with plenty of them this month.

Plus, all the sweet pleasures in life. But this is tricky: to enjoy or not to enjoy? I am Brussels right now. You can imagine all the chocolate surrounding me! I will work out a lot when back home. It is a matter of weeks until I will be wearing the swimsuit.

How was your month? Did you enjoy all those small things happines is made of?

Have a great week!




Spring basics

31 Mar
One single sunbeam was enough to make me rethink my spring looks. When it comes to basign, I’m the man (or maybe the lady). I love basis pieces for their timelessness and versatility. I’ve probably told you before that I am not a fashionista, therefore I would not mind much wearing a classy color or one that suits me simply because it it not trendy. Being stylish is more than being  trendy, let’s face it!
A beige trench coat is a must in everyone’s closet, as much as a classy pair of pumps and one of loafers (if you insist to be trendy, pick them in burgundy).
Pick a red blazer and a colourful silk scarf to spice up your black&white business attaire. I prefer the black&white polka dots blouse to the stripped one for the girlish touch it could bring to an outfit. As for the pencil leather skirt, this is my new darling.
I hope this will prove useful for your spring looks! I am sure I have not included all the key, basis items, threfore I welcome and ideas of yours.
Have a great Sunday and a productive week!

Spring basics

Zara shirt / Mango trench coat / AllSaints pencil skirt / Zara mocassin shoes / Karen Millen studded heels / Zara tote bag / Cat eyeglass / ISSA London , $145 / Kate Spade belt

Trends: Stripes Mania

19 Mar

Oh, I knew it was all about stripes this year, but they are already killing my eyes: in stores, on the streets…everywhere. Plus, I whould say there is too much black and white for this summer. Well, never too much white, but a mix.

Well, there is Mango propsing something else than black&white:

Image Continue reading


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Viva La Highstreet!

My adventures in fashion and beauty in Japan


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