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Eatclean: Salmon buns

26 Apr

I’ve been very lazy lately when it came to posts. Well, not that lazy as busy. And there were some good stuff to share and never made it. Part of it is the cooking thing I want to share with you.

I am not the best chef in town and do not pretend I want to become one. Neither the person who will cook on a regular basis. I still love to discover new places and eat out. But cooking brings me pleasure from time to time. It is indeed on my list of small things.

As we are on Friday, I will start this section of the blog by showing you an easy thing to cook for weekend brunch. Easy-peasy!

Salmon buns  (3 pieces)

3 buns

3 slices of smoked salmon

2 eggs

a few spinach leaves

grated cheese


Make a hole into the buns as if you were trying to make them some hats, stuff the salmon and the spinach leaves, carefully add an egg on top of every stuffed bun and sprinkle some grated cheese, salt and pepper to taste. Voila!


Bake as long as it takes to have the eggs done and serve with green salad and orange juice. How health is that?! I mean salmon, eggs and green leaves altogether. Bon appetit!


Have a great weekend!




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